by npo6ka

FNEI mod. All recipes for items and usage for them.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

b Incorrect "Made in" list for bob's Circuit board

6 years ago

FNEI shows that "Circuit board" can be assembled in "Electronics assembling machine 1", however the machine isn't able to craft the item. Minimal list of mods for which the bug is present:

FNEI 0.1.6
base 0.16.36
bobassembly 0.16.1
bobelectronics 0.16.0
boblibrary 0.16.6
bobplates 0.16.4

All game and mods settings are default.

6 years ago

This problem is quite difficult to remove. How I understood the problem is that the assembling machine does not have a liquid input, but I can't check it in the code. I'll look for a way to deal with this problem.

6 years ago

I clarified this question on the forum, unfortunately in this version of the factorio this can not be fixed( https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=61323 )

New response