Express Bus deprecated

by ptx0

Make your Main Bus with fewer TransportLines. You can make faster belts with 2x / 4x / 8x / 16x / 32x / 64x / 128x / 256x the Express Belt. [WIP] Taken over from DellAquila, missing some graphics.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

b splitter not processing items fast enough

10 months ago

when using blue belt x16 or above, splitting the items with a x16 splitter or above doesn't get all the items through in a single frame fast enough. this leads to a hard cap of many items a splitter can split in a single frame, which I think is around 480 items/s

10 months ago

when using blue belt x16 or above, splitting the items with a x16 splitter or above doesn't get all the items through in a single frame fast enough. this leads to a hard cap of many items a splitter can split in a single frame, which I think is around 480 items/s

edit: I found a workaround, apparently it's not the speed of the splitter, it has something to do with the speed of the belts after the splitter limiting it. by using more x16 belts after a x16 splitter, then putting x8 belts after that, it works like a charm.

10 months ago

another update: the bug persists

I'm not sure what is causing the items to get stuck on the splitter only sometimes, but in one case faster belts after the splitter hasn't worked. is there a way to send files here? I can create images and videos of the problem

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