Explosive Excavation

by GotLag

Use explosives to dig holes.

4 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g Expensive

3 years ago

Nice mod, but the recipe feels too expensive to me, especially considering that cliff explosives have a far larger area of effect.

Maybe cheap excavation feels too cheaty, but if the player wants to mess with biter path-finding that's really up to them.

3 years ago

I've decided to try playing with this (a lot cheaper):

    type = "recipe",
    name = "blasting-charge",
    energy_required = 8,
    enabled = false,
    category = "crafting",
    ingredients =
      {"grenade", 1},
      {"empty-barrel", 1},
      {"explosives", 3}
    result= "blasting-charge",
    result_count = 3

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