Expanded Robot Technology

Adds in more technologies for worker and construction robots including robot speed, robot carrying capacity, character trash slots and character logistics slots.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16
Logistic network

b Cargo research has absurd requirements due to a typo?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Your cargo research science count formula is "500+(L11-3.5)*200". This means you are calculating level 4's research requirement off of level 11's research requirements. So, you end up needing 8600 of each science pack (9 rocket launches!) just for level 4. This must be a typo, as it was not this way in 0.5.0 and there's nothing about in it the changelog.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I modded the mod to this formula count_formula = "150+(L+1)*(L)*25" it's right in line with the level 1, 2, 3 amounts and should get ridiculously hard to research well before getting to the 256 level limit of the mod without ever feeling like the next step is that much bigger than the last step.

6 years ago

JohnyDL is right his formula is a lot better I suggest everyone to change it, it's located in %appdata% Factorio\mods\Expanded_Robot_Tech_0.5.3.zip\Expanded_Robot_Tech_0.5.3\prototypes\technology and it's called robotcapacity

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