Environmental Science

by Mylon

Mod for Space Exploration. This adds a new type of catalog using planetary core fragments for making more efficient science.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g BZ or K2 Mod support?

1 year, 10 months ago


I am someone who is interested in adding reasonable complexity to my K2-SE-BZ playthrough. I love the idea of adding a new type of insight!

In my save, it appears that if I add environmental science, eventually it requires uranium, iron, copper, and crude oil cores.

My question (or request?) is this: Do you have any plans to support other mods that integrate well with SE, specifically, mods that have core fragments associated with them? Some examples:

  • K2 adds imersite, mineral water, and rare metal core fragments.
  • BZ mods add Natural Gas, Titanium, Lead, Wolframite, Zircon, Graphite, Diamond, Aluminum, and Tin core fragments.
  • Planetfall's mods add Zinc and Nickel core fragments.

Perhaps one or more of the catalogs could be extended to use "any X unique fragments"? As in, a catalog could be made with tin, Cryonite, oil, and iron, or a catalog could also be made with zinc, imersite, uranium, and mineral water.

Thanks for the idea of a new catalog, it's great! :)

1 year, 10 months ago

Chiming in here to subscribe to the response :)

Either way, I'm willing to work on the integration on the BZ side.

1 year, 2 months ago

Tier 4 catalogues only provide slightly more efficient insights and is completely optional, much like the entirety of this mod's recipes. After SE 0.6, I certainly reconsidered the progression and I will redesign the early catalogues to include the vulcanite/cryonite planets.

Tier 4 creates some reward for colonizing planets that aren't necessary. It would be tricky to design this in a way to allow something like, "any 4 among [Imersite, Mineral Water, Rare Metal, Natural Gas, Titanium, Lead, Wolframite, Zircon, etc.", Iron/copper/uranium (and maybe also oil) certainly make less sense in modded playthroughs, but I am uncertain as the direction to take. I could possibly even go so far as to make more tiers of catalogues, so each tier adds 4 more planets and let it go on to indefinitely for every 4 resources.

If you have any more ideas on how to handle higher tier Environmental Catalogues, please let me know.

New response