
Adds Electro Turrets, which are early game electric turrets

10 days ago

g No turret body

11 days ago

Seems like its missing the turret body.

11 days ago

gonna fix it asap, thanks for the tip

10 days ago
(updated 10 days ago)

Thanks, I commented in the other thread about damage research and how to fix it :)

Thank you for keeping this mod alive, love it!

10 days ago
(updated 10 days ago)

Was trying to fix the turret body issue, as it was REALLY bugging me, but couldn't figure it out.

Best I managed to get is a mini body and oversized turret... But looking at this mod (and its origin) it really needs to be re-written for v2 from scratch. There are all sorts of things that just don't make sense to me (but also I got no idea when it comes to modding...)

Anyway, heres the best I managed, but nothing I could do seemed to have increased the size of the turret body...

Going to give up as I have no idea what I am doing, thought that if I reference the base laser tower base it would work, but no idea... seems it wasn't really doing any changes no matter what I was doing with scale or anything like that...

Anyway I think the thing that made it better was to use latest version of https://lua-api.factorio.com/2.0.11/types/TurretBaseVisualisation.html but I got really muddled with it.

Heres the mess I ended up with

function shock_turret_extension(inputs)
    return {
        filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-start.png",
        priority = "medium",
        width = 66,
        height = 67,
        frame_count = inputs.frame_count or 15,
        line_length = inputs.line_length or 0,
        run_mode = inputs.run_mode or "forward",
        axially_symmetrical = false,
        direction_count = 4,
        shift = { -0.03125, -0.984375 }

function shock_turret_extension_shadow(inputs)
    return {
        filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-start-shadow.png",
        width = 92,
        height = 50,
        frame_count = inputs.frame_count or 15,
        line_length = inputs.line_length or 0,
        run_mode = inputs.run_mode or "forward",
        axially_symmetrical = false,
        direction_count = 4,
        draw_as_shadow = true,
        shift = { 1.375, 0 }

function shock_turret_extension_mask(inputs)
    return {
        filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-start-mask.png",
        flags = { "mask" },
        width = 51,
        height = 47,
        frame_count = inputs.frame_count or 15,
        line_length = inputs.line_length or 0,
        run_mode = inputs.run_mode or "forward",
        axially_symmetrical = false,
        apply_runtime_tint = true,
        direction_count = 4,
        shift = { -0.015625, -1.26563 }

        type = "electric-turret",
        name = "adikings-shock-turret",
        icon = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/icons/shock-turret.png",
        icon_size = 64,
        flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "player-creation" },
        minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "adikings-shock-turret" },
        max_health = 400,
        resistances = {
                type = "fire",
                percent = 50
                type = "explosion",
                percent = 30
        corpse = "medium-remnants",
        collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } },
        selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } },
        rotation_speed = 0.01,
        preparing_speed = 0.05,
        folding_speed = 0.05,
        dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
        energy_source = {
            type = "electric",
            buffer_capacity = "800kJ",
            input_flow_limit = "9600kW",
            drain = "12kW",
            usage_priority = "primary-input"
        folded_animation = {
            layers = {
                shock_turret_extension { frame_count = 1, line_length = 1 },
                shock_turret_extension_shadow { frame_count = 1, line_length = 1 },
                shock_turret_extension_mask { frame_count = 1, line_length = 1 }
        preparing_animation = {
            layers = {
                shock_turret_extension {},
                shock_turret_extension_shadow {},
                shock_turret_extension_mask {}
        prepared_animation = {
            layers = {
                    filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun.png",
                    line_length = 8,
                    width = 68,
                    height = 68,
                    frame_count = 1,
                    direction_count = 64,
                    shift = { -0.03125, -1 }
                    filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-mask.png",
                    flags = { "mask" },
                    line_length = 8,
                    width = 54,
                    height = 44,
                    frame_count = 1,
                    apply_runtime_tint = true,
                    direction_count = 64,
                    shift = { -0.03125, -1.3125 }
                    filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-shadow.png",
                    line_length = 8,
                    width = 88,
                    height = 52,
                    frame_count = 1,
                    direction_count = 64,
                    draw_as_shadow = true,
                    shift = { 1.5, 0 }
        folding_animation = {
            layers = {
                shock_turret_extension { run_mode = "backward" },
                shock_turret_extension_shadow { run_mode = "backward" },
                shock_turret_extension_mask { run_mode = "backward" }
        base_picture = {
            layers = {
                    filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-base.png",
                    priority = "high",
                    width = 138,
                    height = 104,
                    shift = util.by_pixel(-0.5, 2),
                    scale = 0.5
                    filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-base-mask.png",
                    flags = { "mask" },
                    width = 54,
                    height = 45,
                    apply_runtime_tint = true,
                    direction_count = 1,
                    frame_count = 1,
                    shift = { -0.046875, -0.109375 }
        vehicle_impact_sound = {
            filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg",
            volume = 0.65
        attack_parameters = {
            type = "projectile",
            ammo_category = "adikings-shock-turret",
            cooldown = 25,
            projectile_center = { -0.09375, -0.2 },
            projectile_creation_distance = 1.4,
            range = 20,
            sound = {
                filename = "__ElectroTurret__/sound/shock-turret-attack.ogg",
                volume = 0.4
            damage_modifier = 1.0,
            ammo_type = {
                type = "projectile",
                category = "electric",
                energy_consumption = "200kJ",
                action = {
                        type = "direct",
                        action_delivery = {
                                type = "projectile",
                                projectile = "adikings-shock-lightning",
                                starting_speed = 0.8
        call_for_help_radius = 40,
        graphics_set =
            base_visualisation =
                animation =
                    layers =
                            filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-base.png",
                            priority = "high",
                            width = 138,
                            height = 104,
                            shift = util.by_pixel(-0.5, 2),
                            scale = 0.5
                            filename = "__ElectroTurret__/graphics/entity/shock-turret/shock-turret-gun-shadow.png",
                            line_length = 8,
                            width = 88,
                            height = 52,
                            frame_count = 1,
                            direction_count = 64,
                            draw_as_shadow = true,
                            shift = { 1.5, 0 },
10 days ago

i think the problem is a factorio bug. My code is ok and points at the png files in the correct manner, i also have tried by placing new files in a different folder, no matter how i tried, the base never showed up. I'll look into that code and adapt if needed. Thanks a ton!

10 days ago

Seems your code fixed the problem. Thanks a lot. Have a try! New Release.

9 days ago

Just tested it, you did it! The base now looks proper! Thanks for the update!

New response