Electric Resistance deprecated

Every electric pole needs 1 kW of electric power; UPS-free

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g 'real' resistance vs power usage?

4 years ago

Hoping there's a way to have the power draw be based on transmitted power...? ie putting 2 poles in parallel to the load results in 1/4 the losses... as apposed to current mod that would double the power losses? would make it considerably more interesting, but im guessing possibly hard/impossible to implement.

4 years ago

Yes, something between very hard and impossible :(

4 years ago

The power system in Factorio is like magic, I hate it. The dev's would like to see the liquid system work like magic 2..

4 years ago

There was a mod that did that, but they did so by essentially making every single connection its own power network which was incredibly bad for performance. Unfortunately there isnt any way to make power transport any more interesting in the API I'm afraid

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