Electric Furnaces Revamp

Adds electric versions of the stone and steel furnaces, and an electric boiler. This is an update and tweak to the Electric Furnaces mod by 'GotLag', later revised by 'yukisoha'.

2 months ago

g SA update

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Seems both electric stone and steel furnaces have the same power consumption of 168kw, generate no pollution and have higher production bonuses. The original mod by GotLag had slightly different values.

PS: Thank you for updating this to 2.0, been using GotLag's mod for ages!

Electric stone furnace

Available from game start.
Smelting speed: 1
Power consumption: 90 kW
Pollution: 1 per minute (2.5 including boiler emissions)

Electric steel furnace

Unlocked by researching Advanced material processing.
Smelting speed: 2
Power consumption: 180 kW
Pollution: 2 per minute (5 including boiler emissions)

Electric Furnace 1 (unmodified from base game)

Unlocked by researching Advanced material processing 2.
Smelting speed: 2
Module slots: 2
Power consumption: 180 kW
Pollution: 1 per minute (4 including boiler emissions)

Electric furnace 2

Unlocked by researching Advanced material processing 3.
Smelting speed: 3
Module slots: 2
Power consumption: 180 kW
Pollution: 1 per minute (4 including boiler emissions)

Electric furnace 3

Unlocked by researching Advanced material processing 4.
Smelting speed: 4
Module slots: 4
Power consumption: 240 kW
Pollution: 1 per minute (5 including boiler emissions)
2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Just to catch up on this. I managed to update the power consumption and pollution values inline with original mod. Heres an extract to fix Electric stone and electric steel.

the pollution issue that in the mod it is using emissions_per_second_per_watt which should not be used since 0.17.0, it should be changed to emissions_per_minute


Added emissions_per_minute property in the energy source, that is supposed to replace the emissions_per_second_per_watt which was basically wrong and hard to work with, both emissions_per_second_per_watt emissions definition will work for some time (at least in 0.17) so mods don't get broken.

Code extract from prototypes/stone-steel.lua

-- Electric Stone Furnace ****************************************************************
electricstone = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw["furnace"]["stone-furnace"])
electricstone.name = "electric-stone-furnace"
electricstone.icon = "__ElectricFurnacesRevamp__/graphics/icons/electric-stone-furnace.png"
electricstone.minable.result = "electric-stone-furnace"
electricstone.fast_replaceable_group = "furnace"
electricstone.next_upgrade = "electric-steel-furnace"
electricstone.energy_usage = "90kW"
electricstone.crafting_speed = 1
electricstone.icon_draw_specification = {scale = 0.66, shift = {0, -0.1}}
electricstone.energy_source =
  type = "electric",
  usage_priority = "secondary-input",
  emissions_per_minute = { pollution = 1 }
electricstone.graphics_set.working_visualisations[1].animation.layers[1].filename = "__ElectricFurnacesRevamp__/graphics/entity/electric-stone-furnace/stone-furnace-heater.png"

-- Electric Steel Furnace ****************************************************************
electricsteel = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw["furnace"]["steel-furnace"])
electricsteel.name = "electric-steel-furnace"
electricsteel.icon = "__ElectricFurnacesRevamp__/graphics/icons/electric-steel-furnace.png"
electricsteel.minable.result = "electric-steel-furnace"
electricsteel.fast_replaceable_group = "furnace"
electricsteel.energy_usage = "180kW"
electricsteel.crafting_speed = 2
electricsteel.energy_source =
  type = "electric",
  usage_priority = "secondary-input",
  emissions_per_minute = { pollution = 2 }
electricsteel.graphics_set.working_visualisations[1].animation.filename = "__ElectricFurnacesRevamp__/graphics/entity/electric-steel-furnace/steel-furnace-heater.png"
2 months ago


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