Electric Furnaces

by GotLag

Adds electric versions of the stone and steel furnaces, and two upgrades of the electric furnace, and an electric boiler.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Split/add electric furnace mk

4 years ago

Hello there! .o/

I have a little suggestion that might be hard to code or not but i believe its possible!
Split the enable option on electric furnace config like this:
Enable electric stone furnaces [ ]
Enable electric steel furnaces [ ]


Add electric stone furnaces as a recipe ingredient on electric steel furnaces

So that way it won't clutter too much my inventory =P

Usually I don't feel like to use stone furnaces ... Sometimes its useful don't get me wrong but in near mid game i usually need a electric furnace and I usually opt to use steel versions instead ... if i used stone version it will clutter in my inventory for rare situations ...

Well... its just a suggestion anyway and thank you very much!!


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