Electric Furnaces

by GotLag

Adds electric versions of the stone and steel furnaces, and two upgrades of the electric furnace, and an electric boiler.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

i Compatability for Bob's Mods

5 years ago

Hey, I Love your Mod And was wondering if there could be a possibility to see electric versions of Bob's Stone/Steel Chemical furnaces and Metal Mixing Furnaces. As I feel like that would just complete the mod for me with my Bobs play-through. Idk if its possible or just out of scope of your project. But would be awesome to see that compatibility happen if that isn't too much to wish for.

5 years ago

Sorry, it's out of scope. I make mods primarily for features I want to use (or think would be interesting to try) and I don't play Bob's mods.

5 years ago

Hey Thanks Anyways, Overall You have an awesome mod and have been using it (mandatory) for about 1 year now. I figured it Might be out of scope and I respect that. Who knows Maybe somebody will create a mod with these features in mind someday. But I am willing to Keep using this mod anyways. Thanks again for a fast Reply too.

5 years ago

No worries, happy factorying

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