Electric Furnaces

by GotLag

Adds electric versions of the stone and steel furnaces, and two upgrades of the electric furnace, and an electric boiler.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

i electric boiler

7 years ago

I love the benefits of the electric equivalents of the furnaces, and the upgraded electric furnaces. However for the life of me I can't understand the electric boiler.

It consumes one steam engine worth of electricity to produce one steam engine worth of steam, so no net power production. This leave the only purpose of... coal liquefaction. Just looking at the three options of boilers for coal liquefaction, this one seems to only win in the green category. Doing the math for pollution on just cracking coal down to gas yields a pollution of about 27, the same as a regular boiler. so per setup (6 refineries, 1 heavy cracker, 3 light crackers) using the electric boilers only gives the bonus of halving the pollution at the cost of space and system electrical demand.

After writing a revising a bit and doing math my main problem is that it is a bit misleading having the electric boiler from the start. The only use is coal liquefaction, so having it from the beginning may confuse some people into thinking it has more uses or even try a power multiplying setup (how I figured this stuff out). So my suggestion is to put it under coal liquefaction where it can be used (or a research immediately thereafter), or break the laws of thermodynamics and make it able to power 2 steam engines off of the power of one.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

+1 for moving the electric boiler into the coal liquification area, either as separate research after coal liquification or unlocked as part of coal liquification research.

i moved it to be added with coal liquification by stating the recipe to false and adding "table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["coal-liquefaction"].effects,{type = "unlock-recipe",recipe = "electric-boiler"})" to the technology to turn it on with the research of coal liquefication researched.

7 years ago

I would rather have it moved to be unlocked at the same time as the storage tank, since a single tank can store up to 833.333~ steam engine seconds worth of steam and by extension power. For comparison, a single accumulator can only hold 5.555~ steam engine seconds worth of power. This means that a storage tank can hold as much power as 150 accumulators with the drawback of needing boilers (electric or otherwise) to put energy in and steam engines to take energy out.

7 years ago

I, have come to the realization that the electric boiler isn't for making steam for power but rather a convenient way to make steam for things that need steam.

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