Electric Furnaces

by GotLag

Adds electric versions of the stone and steel furnaces, and two upgrades of the electric furnace, and an electric boiler.

2 months ago
0.13 - 2.0

b [0.14] electric-steel furnance not avaiable

8 years ago

When starting new game (or adding mod before advanced material processing is resarched), electric steel furnance is not avaiable (stone one is ok).

All works when mod is added after that resarch but seems this is because of migration script that is executed when new mod was loaded.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

ok - i've mitigated this by hacky control.lua ( http://trash.ttrsite.net/factorio/electricFurnances_control.lua.txt )
but this will trigger refres on every resarch (so should be optimized a bit)

8 years ago

Hi...can you explain how is this script used?

New response