2x2 Electric Furnaces Mod

A mod that Changes Electric Furnaces to be 2x2

7 years ago

g 2 possible miss configurations

7 years ago

I recently downloaded this mod to save some space by downsizing e-furnaces a bit.
What I did not expect was that the textures were still the same just the collision box has been shrunk to fit in 2x2 spaces.(Possible fix: setting scaling of all textures from 0.5 to 0.3) And also the texture for furnaces in the mod-zip file isn't used.
I also noticed that the crafting speed has been increased to 3 which makes sense in the case of tier based furnaces, first stone then steel then electric, but in vanilla steel and electric are both speed 2. (Possible "fix": setting it back to 2) But this one is more like something of preference than anything else.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I suggest using mini machines (located here). You can disable all of the other mini machines if you only want the mini furnaces.

7 years ago

I've modified each layers within entities.lua as like this

  layers = {
    filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-base.png",
    priority = "high",
    width = 129,
    height = 100,
    frame_count = 1,
    shift = {0.421875*0.66, 0*0.66},  -- modi : mul 0.66
    scale = 0.66,     -- modi: append this line
    hr_version = {
      filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace.png",
      priority = "high",
      width = 239,
      height = 219,
      frame_count = 1,
      shift = util.by_pixel(0.75*0.66, 5.75*0.66),   -- modi : mul 0.66
      scale = 0.5*0.66       -- modi : mul 0.66

It worked well.

New response