Efficient Smelting - Full Belts and Full Fluids

Efficient Smelting - Mine less / Less Furnaces / Less Refineries. Instead of 1, get 50. Supports all modded items.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Deadlock's Duplication Issue.

5 years ago

Issue paired with Deadlock's belt boxing ( https://mods.factorio.com/mod/deadlock-beltboxes-loaders ) The stacking belt boxes are affected by the additional productivity.

5 years ago

Hmm.. i think maybe the error is related the option "Multiply Stack Size" in mod settings. See if you return to normal if you de-select this option, please. Thank you

3 years ago

Mod version 0.0.18 for game 1.1, and productivity still affecting DeadLock's Beltboxes.

DeadLock's mod registers the packing machine in the file "prototypes/create_beltbox.lua", and the entity type as "furnace". And as your mod changes the productivity of all furnaces... i can't blame anyone...

For me this code i made fixed: https://pastebin.com/D84MwA4f , also, for my security:
This code was made in the terms of the license of public domain "The Unlicense".
I am not responsible for miss use of this modified code, lost saves or any other event.
Use this code made in 15 minutes and poorly tested at your own risk.

3 years ago

I'll try tuagolegals code. Its unplayable otherwise because its way too easy then

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