[WIP] Expanded AngelBob

[WIP] Endgame Mod expanding upon AngelBob

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i [Added] miles bob expansion compatibility

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

this mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/MilesBobsExpansion) adds assembling machines 7-10, and electronic assembling machine 4-5, your mod is already compatible with that one, your AM7 remains, as well as your EAM4.

I wanted to ask if you could modify the other machines récipe to use your platinum plates, circuits and wires. I asked that to that modder, but he told me it is a very specific situation, and that he wont do it. Its probable that you consider the same, but I wanted to ask

4 years ago

I write it on my todo and consider it later.

4 years ago


4 years ago

I will add basic support in 0.0.14.

4 years ago

just a request, but could you remove space science from assembling machine 7?, at list if miles bob mod is present, machines from that mod are not intended to use it, but yours force you to

4 years ago

or maybe just a switch in the settings to add/remove space science from the machines

4 years ago

No, I won't. I probably should balance those other assemblers, too but right now I don't bother.
The intention of the assembler 7 was that it is very high end and takes you a while to get it.

New response