[WIP] Expanded AngelBob

[WIP] Endgame Mod expanding upon AngelBob

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b [Fixed] Multiple startup errors

5 years ago

If ShinyIcons is included without ShinyBobGFX

If electronics assembling machines are disabled, but with ShinyIcons+ShinyBobGFX and powerbars setting enabled:
data-final-fixes:24 item["electronics-machine-4"].icon = nil

If raw productivity modules are disabled:
https://imgur.com/a/Bsg6Lho (loads fine with angelsrefining enabled, so fairly sure it's not that mod)
It also appears the rich productivity module recipes are broken anyway.

Lot of other mods, I can provide a save file/list and more details for each of these issues if needed.

5 years ago

5 years ago

I just need to add some checks. I think I can do it until monday.

Note for me:
- mismatched ShinyIcons and ShinyBobGFX
- Check if electronic assembly machine enabled
- check if raw prod modules are activated

New response