DyWorld deprecated

by Dysoch

DEPRECATED! Replaced by [DyWorld-Dynamics](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DyWorld-Dynamics) DyWorld, the successor of DyTech. Adding new systems, items, fluids, machines and enemies!!!! The Material System gives items like pipes and transport a real life feeling (metal property specific capacity/speed/range) and the Metallurgic System gives a new way to smelt ores. The Attribute System governs you! This means whatever you do, you get stronger from it!

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

b Turrets wasting ammo/energy shooting at targets that are out of their range

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Turrets wasting ammo/energy shooting at targets that are out of their range. Even immobile things such us building so they can keep shooting forever.

6 years ago

Also they seem to sometimes prioritize targets outside of their range and let targets much close slip inside their minimum radius. I have experienced both of these issues with Copper-tungsten shotgun laser turrents.

6 years ago

I thought it had to do with the detection range so I dig around a bit and changed line
number 5667 just to test it.
prepare_range = math.floor(DyWorld_Material_Formulas(5, DATA.Table) + (DyWorld_Material_Formulas(5, DATA.Table) / 2 )),
in DyWorld_0.6.1\data\core\prototypes\prototypes.lua
Turrets are now not getting stuck as often, but its still not 100% reliable, so it has to be something else. I don't usually mess around with mods, this is as far as I can get.

6 years ago

I will reduce it so that the range is less that they are prepared