DyWorld deprecated

by Dysoch

DEPRECATED! Replaced by [DyWorld-Dynamics](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DyWorld-Dynamics) DyWorld, the successor of DyTech. Adding new systems, items, fluids, machines and enemies!!!! The Material System gives items like pipes and transport a real life feeling (metal property specific capacity/speed/range) and the Metallurgic System gives a new way to smelt ores. The Attribute System governs you! This means whatever you do, you get stronger from it!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g 0.4.0 is HERE!

7 years ago

Hi Everyone! Enjoy the new 0.4.0! I'm playing around with it on YouTube under VideoGameGeek1970. Stop by and check it out. Also, we can collaborate and share ideas there. Be sure to check out DySochs' DYWorld FaceBook page for cutting edge details about up-and-coming releases! Discuss ideas on the DyWorld FaceBook page too :)

See ya,
VGG (VideoGameGeek1970)