DyWorld deprecated

by Dysoch

DEPRECATED! Replaced by [DyWorld-Dynamics](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DyWorld-Dynamics) DyWorld, the successor of DyTech. Adding new systems, items, fluids, machines and enemies!!!! The Material System gives items like pipes and transport a real life feeling (metal property specific capacity/speed/range) and the Metallurgic System gives a new way to smelt ores. The Attribute System governs you! This means whatever you do, you get stronger from it!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.18

g Might be crazy

7 years ago

I might be crazy, for my next play-through when all the mods are available, I plan to use DyWorld, Bobs complete, Angels complete, 5dim complete, marathon mode, and plan to not launch a rocket until I can launch 1 every minute with a satellite.

7 years ago

Then you should probably wait until the release of 0.2.0
This will give a lot of new things, and should make your life easier while making it harder.

And then there is the possibility that angels and bobs conflict with mine, havent tested that yet, and wont for a while till i have more features

7 years ago

If they do, I will probably learn a little more lua and make a mod that generates compatibility with it.

7 years ago

Somehow, I don't think that 5dims and bobs play nice with each other... sounds like there would be a lot of overlap in machinery, at the very least :o