Updated my pack, removed AnonyMods as it's causing a few problems and found now out that in you file prototypes\bob\technology.lua in line 24 a technology seems to be required, which isn't there in my environment.
Error: https://i.imgur.com/jdH3wtP.png - This happends, when the following for boblogistics is true: if settings.startup["bobmods-logistics-inserteroverhaul"].value == true ... - which is true on my side and this means that there are other inserters now as the default ones (found in bobslogistics\prototypes\technology-inserters.lua - Line 32).
Would be nice to take a look into it and to decide which Research then should be used here as replacement for 'express-inserters' ;) - I have choosen 'stack-inserter-4' from Line 79 if the if/else statement