Dp77s FactorioPlus: Hyper Logistic

This mod adds 8 new tiers of logistic, each one with its belt, underground belt, splitter and inserter (with its filter version) And 2 new tiers of robotics: Advanced and Express. This mod, associated with Bob logistics, adds 6 logistics, from mk6 to mk11. (Now FULLY compatible).

5 years ago

b TIn Gear Wheel not possible to make wihile Bob's and Angel's mods are used

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Please reverte the Fix in line 622 in your recipe.lua becuase it causes a direct dead lock witht eh use of Bob's, Angel's and AnonyMods.

Problem here is, that the Basic Lab from AnonyMods is in need of 4 Burner Inserters but those are in need of tin gear wheels which is a deadlock becuase no research can be done here.

Also the Bunrer Mining Drill is in need of tin which is the secound lock down, because you can't setup your startup system (well, with the fix for the inserter mentioned above, you could try to do the research, but then remove the bronze requirement from the first sinces pack too, as it is another lockdown, because you can't craft the first research pack). The tin ore, which you are delivering, is removed and replaced with the ore from Angel's Refining (Stiratite).

Until a fix is out, I reverted those deadlocks on my own so that I can play. Also, never use tier two materials for the beginning. Use tier one materials for it, which are iron and copper.

5 years ago

My mods are currently compatible with bob and rso mods, not with angel ones, sorry D:

P.S: now that i've released the alien update i'll dedicate on bob mods and, if i've time, with angel.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

However: for angel, deadlock and AnonyMods you can ask at the mod owner for this, 'cause i'm very engaged at the moment and i can't do it.

5 years ago

Why not checking against them simply and give them then an alternative recipie? And if not present, use the default ones? The recipie self comes from your mod, the deadlock from the combination of them.

5 years ago

I'll see what i can do, thank you for the posts and the suggestion.

New response