Display Plates - Ground Signs & Map Markers

Big, medium and small signs ("plates") which can display an item, fluid or virtual icon. Display plates can be set to create a matching map marker at the location of the display plate. Can be used with blueprints, (except updating blueprints)

1 year, 10 months ago

b Dialogue form not showing

10 months ago

Some strange bug: on my computer display plates works well: I click on plate, dialogue pops up and I select icon. On my notebook I click on plate, it sounds error sound and nothing happens( What could it be?

10 months ago

Some strange bug: on my computer display plates works well: I click on plate, dialogue pops up and I select icon. On my notebook I click on plate, it make error sound and nothing happens( What could it be?

5 months ago

I solved this problem.
I assumed that the mod remembers the position of the dialog box. The save I'm playing on my laptop is saved on a computer with a large monitor, so I assumed that the window tries to open outside the screen. I found this place in the code (marked with the comment "-- update frame location if cached"), commented it and everything worked.

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