Display Plates - Ground Signs & Map Markers

Big, medium and small signs ("plates") which can display an item, fluid or virtual icon. Display plates can be set to create a matching map marker at the location of the display plate. Can be used with blueprints, (except updating blueprints)

1 year, 8 months ago

g Icon info loss

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

For some reason, on the current version of Factorio and mod, icon information is lost when copying or creating a blueprint, can this be fixed?
In addition, icons are not displayed in the blueprint preview. Previously, they were displayed or am I confusing something?

2 years ago

I don't understand why, but the error is related to the mod Bulk Rail Loader https://mods.factorio.com/mod/railloader . When I turn it off everything works fine.

1 year, 10 months ago

It's an issue with Railloader's on_blueprint event. The line #367 "bp.set_blueprint_entities(entities)" in function on_blueprint(event) seems to overwrite all the tags in the blueprint. I moved that command to line #364 so it only executes when railroader entities are present which fixes blueprints and cut/paste where there are no railroad entities present.

Here is the offending portion if somebody more familiar with the blueprint api can figure out how to only update railroader entities instead of the whole shebang.

for _, bp_entity in pairs(entities) do
if bp_entity.name == "railloader-chest" or bp_entity.name == "railunloader-chest" then
local chest_entity = player.surface.find_entities_filtered{
type = "container",
position = bp_entity.position,
if not chest_entity then goto continue end

  local rail = player.surface.find_entities_filtered{
    type = "straight-rail",
    area = chest_entity.bounding_box,
  if not rail then goto continue end

  bp_entity.name = (bp_entity.name == "railloader-chest")
    and "railloader-placement-proxy"
    or "railunloader-placement-proxy"
  -- base direction on direction of rail
  bp_entity.direction = rail.direction
  -- preserve chest limit
  bp_entity.tags = { bar = chest_entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest).get_bar() }



1 year, 7 months ago

I just uninstalled Bulk Rail Loader and the issue is still occurring. Here is a full list of the mods I'm running, courtesy of 'Kuxynator's Mod Export': https://dpaste.com/FGGEC6UUW

I don't know if one of those is causing the problem, but, honestly, this mod is pretty useless as long as it is this fragile.

1 year, 2 months ago

I have the same problem now.

New response