Display Plates - Ground Signs & Map Markers

Big, medium and small signs ("plates") which can display an item, fluid or virtual icon. Display plates can be set to create a matching map marker at the location of the display plate. Can be used with blueprints, (except updating blueprints)

1 year, 11 months ago

g [Fixed in 1.2.8] Breaks vanilla interactive tips & tricks

2 years ago

If I have this mod loaded, the interactive tips & tricks from vanilla no longer work. For example, click on "Tips and tricks" in the top left toolbar, click on the "Stack transfers" trick, click on "Replay tutorial". I get this error message and the interactive window doesn't appear.

Error while applying migration: Display Plates: steel-display.lua

DisplayPlates/migrations/steel-display.lua:1: module globals not found; no such file DisplayPlates/migrations/globals.lua no such file core/lualib/globals.lua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
DisplayPlates/migrations/steel-display.lua:1: in main chunk

2 years ago

Should be resolved now :)

New response