Display Plates - Ground Signs & Map Markers

Big, medium and small signs ("plates") which can display an item, fluid or virtual icon. Display plates can be set to create a matching map marker at the location of the display plate. Can be used with blueprints, (except updating blueprints)

1 year, 11 months ago

i Merge

3 years ago

would you mind if I merge your changes into my version of the mod (with due credits, of course)? I was already looking into moving over to the itempicker, but sadly did't find the time to implement it.
(Also, you could just have pull requested the changes on Github ;)

3 years ago

Since I just saw this 2 months :') after you posted here, I posted an answer over on github https://github.com/Wyrrrd/IndustrialDisplayPlates/issues/18

2 years ago


1 year, 11 months ago

An update: I am doing this the other way round.

IndustrialDisplayPlates will retire, I'll try to move all changes and suggestions over to this one.

New response