Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Mod compatibility

1 year, 3 months ago

While it's really easy for mods using the vanilla lab graphics to add compatibility with Disco Science, there's no easy way to add it to ones that change the lab appearance/create their own labs.

There are a few mods that add labs that need their graphics edited to be compatible with Disco Science, which would be amazing if they could be added to Disco Science natively.

The ones that come to mind are:

Krastorio2: Burner Lab, Advanced Lab
Space Exploration: Space Science Lab
One More Tier: Advanced Lab

8 months ago

This is tricky: I extracted the lightning graphics from the base lab so I could render it as an overlay, replacing the original animation entirely. This approach wouldn't work for labs which have mechanical animations as well as lights.

I'm open to pull requests if someone wants to implement a more general approach, but I don't want to guess at how people would want to do it for other labs.

7 months ago

I'd add IR3 labs to the mix (Steam Lab, Electric Lab, Quantum Lab), although they have very different designs compared to vanilla. It might not be possible to make them glow based on science type...

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)


I was asking for help for the very easy thing , but it's ok now.

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