Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Random

4 years ago

Is there an option so laboratories just randomly change lighting to one of active science packs, without any pattern? For example every 1 second. Or 0,5 seconds.

4 years ago

There is no option, but the code is structured so that you could change this easily. In src/utils/colorMath.lua on line 30 there is an array of functions used to do the different patterns. You can remove all but one and make it do whatever you want.

4 years ago

API is:

tick: int
like game tick, but sometimes changes direction

colors: table of Color
the lab's ingredient colours

playerPosition, labPosition: Position
the world positions of these things

fcolor: Color
the output Color structure so you don't have to make your own

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