Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Fixed] heavy-mode desync, DiscoScience 0.1.15

5 years ago

When using DiscoScience in vanilla, when researching technologies with at least 2 science packs, there is heavy-mode desync after-scenario-update. Differences are around script rendered lights: colors are different.

5 years ago

Hint: desync is not happening when i change labColoring.lua line 30 from:
labColoring.colorForLab = colorFunctions[labColoring.state.lastColorFunc % #colorFunctions + 1]
into this:
labColoring.colorForLab = colorFunctions[labColoring.state.lastColorFunc]

5 years ago

Oh wow thanks I think that would've taken me a while.

5 years ago

This should be addressed in 0.16. The change should only happen when the mod changes now.

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