Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Implemented] Compatibility with Better Flasks

5 years ago

Hi! I just found this in my log file:

36.836 Script @__DiscoScience__/data-final-fixes.lua:19: Missing colours for the following icons: {
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/automation-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/chemical-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/logistic-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/military-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/production-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/space-science-pack.png"] = true,
  ["__BetterFlasks__/graphics/icons/utility-science-pack.png"] = true

Could you add support for Better Flasks, please?

5 years ago

Yes, I'll check that out soon!

5 years ago

Should work in 0.16

New response