Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

27 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

g crash with alien space science

5 years ago

hi Daniel,
cool mod.
I ve got a crash with endgame combat or alien space science I think. Not the pink orb, but the alien meat with
regenerating alloys science (endgame combat).
the loot chest gets : alien-artifacts, corpses, alien-biomass, artifact-ore and flesh maybe that's a list to check ;)

I would (humbly) suggest with any unknown science (modded) input just output no color or a random disco color as an error handler or handle unknown input just to ignore .. not to crash the game

Kind regards

5 years ago

Hey alby8, thanks for the report. DiscoScience shouldn’t crash when it encounters unknown ingredients. It just uses magenta as a default.

Can you tell me more about when the crash happens? Is there any error message?

5 years ago

Hi Daniel,
Sorry for the late response. There was a second an error message where I could read the mod name and some code about the research item (don't remember the code) then a crash so no time(/ or I forgot) for a screen capture.
I (only) uninstalled your mod. Did the same research and then no crash (That endgame research also worked in a previous game without your mod). So for me it is solved. It does have something to do with your mod and endgame mod. Sorry my info wasn't of more use.

5 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late response. I'm not too familiar with endgame combat, but I see the alien meat slot it adds to labs. What research requires it?

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