Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

29 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Problem in other mod] Notified twice, and how to fix it :)

5 years ago


I believe you have the same issue as bottleneck had, which is noted here :

Why I believe that is because the error popped exactly when autobuild tried to build the science lab.
I have since then manually removed and replaced those labs, but still :)

5 years ago

Thanks for the info, and for tracking down the mod that raised the error! Aside from the one-time error, are you seeing any other problems? Specifically, are the auto-built labs animating properly?

5 years ago

Well, i dunno, i didn't test the auto build animations. But I can try if you want

5 years ago

No hurry, and I'm pretty sure they will work if the error is a result of the issue you linked. If they don't animate, then there might be more to it.

5 years ago

I'll try it in a few minutes, still early game, need to get some science crafted :)

5 years ago

Well, they still animate, I'm testing with only 5 labs so I'm not sure if I need to see a specific pattern, but they are animating. :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks for confirming that!

Just to be clear: DiscoScience already gracefully handles receiving two creation events (in this case raised and built) for the same lab. All the lab tracking remains intact, and they animate properly.

I display the warning because I think it is incorrect for a mod to send two creation events for the same entity, and I'd like to help other authors find mistakes like this. In the case of Autobuild, I understand why the author chose this behaviour but I still think that it is incorrect. I'll have a discussion with them and we'll see.

In the mean time, it's fine to ignore the error and continue to use both mods.

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