Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

29 days ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Fixed] Cannot load 0.0.6 save

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Loading a save game after upgrade from 0.0.6 to 0.1.7 fails with this error message:

Error while running event DiscoScience::on_configuration_changed
DiscoScience/core/labRenderers.lua:70: attempt to index field 'state' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
DiscoScience/core/labRenderers.lua:70: in function 'reloadLabs'
DiscoScience/control.lua:69: in function <DiscoScience/control.lua:67>

screenshot with active mod list - https://snag.gy/nZNLQW.jpg

EDIT: downgrade to 0.1.5 fixed the issue, after that I upgraded the mod back to 0.1.7 and save loads fine.

5 years ago

Thanks for the report! I'm glad you figured out a workaround. This issue should be fixed in 0.1.8.

New response