Disco Science

Science labs light up with the colours of the science packs they are consuming, instead of just blue.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g Still unrecoverable error

5 years ago

Sorry, the mod still generates periodically this kind of error while loading a saved game. It started when I removed Fish and wildlife service. But then I played several hours without FWS nor your mod. And then I saw someone said that the issue was caused by FWS.
So I thought that I could now add safely your mod, after all it should only be a cosmetic mod, right?

But I get the error on loading... And no more explanations.
I don't understand why your mod seems to be so integrated with events and deep functions, it should only alter visuals of the lab...

5 years ago

Hey bladeofsharpness, I’m sorry you’re still encountering trouble. Can you please post the text of the error you’re encountering?

I originally hoped it would be simpler, too. Unfortunately there’s no way to use standard lab animations to get the colours I want. In order to support its fancy custom animations, DiscoScience creates one animation and one light for every lab that gets created. The tricky part is keeping track of all the labs, animations and lights without doing an expensive search every frame. Instead, I rely on events fired when labs are created or destroyed. This has proven less reliable than I’d hoped when interacting with other mods.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)


5 years ago

I'll see if I can get the message again.

Is there an event attached to the lab consuming a pack? perhaps this can be sufficient. You can predict what will happen next.

5 years ago

There is no event for a lab consuming a pack, and even if there were that would be too late. There are no events to tell you when a lab stops or starts working (only when research starts or stops, but that is only part of the information needed).

To be clear about the error: it only happens sometimes, but when it happens then your saved game is toast and you need to go back to a previous save?

5 years ago

No, I was able to use the saved game, only by not re-enabling disco science.
I'll try again.

5 years ago

I just uploaded 0.1.5, which fixes an error when other mods delete animations. Perhaps this is the same problem you're encountering.

New response