Delete Empty Chunks

by Strath

Delete chunks which contain no player entities, configurable chunk radius & paving detection

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Feature Request, remote interface

5 years ago

I will be waiting for several days for update because I don't notice any activity from Strath.

5 years ago

I didn't see your GitHub pull request. I'll do so when I get back later in the week

5 years ago

Not really sure what the point of adding an external command is. Can you explain why this would be useful?

5 years ago

For headless servers need the command.
The remote interface for scripts, mods, scenarios.

5 years ago

Implemented similar features. New version is in GitHub. Feel free to test. I will make a release later in the week.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

(double posted)

5 years ago

Version 0.3.8 with remote interface and command released

New response