Recycling Deconstruction

On entity deconstruction you get your ingredients back; the recycling type mod, the balance is not changed

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b [fixed] Conflicts

5 years ago

Have a conflict with "Vehicle grid", and, may be - "Big Fluid Tank Wagon"

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I can't get any conflict with Big Fluid Wagon

UPD: no problem with Vehicle Grid, the wagon Smelting wagon has no problem:

5 years ago

Interesting, the second loading looks another:

будем фиксить

5 years ago


5 years ago

Такая же беда теперь с DoubleCargoWagon
59.924 Mods to disable:Не удалось загрузить следующие моды: Error while running setup for entity prototype "black-cargo-wagon" (cargo-wagon): a vehicle with equipment_grid support can not have a minable result that might produce multiple item-with-entity-data type items.

Моды для отключения:
• DoubleCargoWagon
• VehicleGrid
• Deconstruction

5 years ago

упс, я мод забыл обновить. Сорян.

5 years ago

Всё работает. Спасибо.

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