Deadlock's Stacking for Omnimatter

by Thordus

Addon to stack items from Omnimatter with Deadlocks Stacking Beltboxes/Crating Machine

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Solved - omnimatter dependency showing as not enabled even though it is.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

running omnimatter 2.0.26 and deadlock and deadlock stacking for omnimatter v 0.30
and it says omnimatter is not active.

5 years ago

Hi usafphoenix. Thanks for your feedback.
I released a small bugfix to correct it.
Omnimatter ≠ omnimatter

5 years ago

(did not realize it cared about capitalization. so i was confused. good find)

5 years ago

small hint since this problem happens sometimes also on some other mods:
windows ignores upper/lowercase, but the zip libraries don't. thus this problem often happens when some author checked his mod while it was unzipped and found no problem, but the distributed zip file shows that problem.
temporary fix: unzip the mod and windows will ignore the wrong case.

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