Deadlock beltbox crate-Space Exploration bridge [unofficial plugin], fork by Ostkaka

Provides stacking and or crating recipes for some Space Exploration items. New feature: automatically replace non-space loaders with space loaders in space maps. Normally works only if added to the map, if it was already in, set the mod setting to on-configuration-changed. Compatible with Deadlock stacked recipes: enable the mod setting to stack additional items. Fork changes: Stacking recipes for low density structure and heat shielding have been moved to the 'Stacking 2' technloogy.

1 year, 1 day ago
This mod 9 From other mods 3
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Default 3 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 2 Hidden 0
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Last dependency data update: 20 hours ago (for v0.6.4)