Darkstar Utilities

Propel yourself all the way from mining stone with your hands to ripping holes in reality. Darkstar Aims to extend the playtime of the game to well over twice the standard. With extra features like Quarries and Ore Probes for mining in lands with no ores, or launching rockets to mine deep space materials. With roughly 664 currently added features!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

i Changelog?

3 years ago

i have heard that the information area only has a limit on how much u can text,
so i wanted to ask if it was possible to add what the title says. Hoping it's not to much work ?

3 years ago

i have heard that the information area only has a limit on how much u can text,
so i wanted to ask if it was possible to add what the title says. Hoping it's not to much work ?

There is a changelog on the Information page, and a changelog file bundled with the mod itself.

3 years ago

ok. Was just saying as there might be a limit on that page as I have herd, also many do have a own tab for it. To make it possible to see in game too.

3 years ago

ok. Was just saying as there might be a limit on that page as I have herd, also many do have a own tab for it. To make it possible to see in game too.

Hm, i'm not sure how you'd go about adding that tab. But, should I ever run out of space in the future I will simply remove information from past updates starting from oldest to newest, and maintain a consistent update list of all changed inside of the mod.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The Changelog tab is added when you add a text document with the name Changelog to the mod and all changes can be written in it
The Modpage is read the Changelog txt from the Mod Zip
If the Changelog Tab addet in the Chan gelog Tab is a little Tutorial what to watch out for and such: https://prnt.sc/ul2lqo
This is the Tutorial link from the Changelog which is located in the Changelog tab: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=67140

Here is a small example from Space Exploration:



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