Darkstar Utilities

Propel yourself all the way from mining stone with your hands to ripping holes in reality. Darkstar Aims to extend the playtime of the game to well over twice the standard. With extra features like Quarries and Ore Probes for mining in lands with no ores, or launching rockets to mine deep space materials. With roughly 664 currently added features!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Deep Mining Probes are too visually large

4 years ago

There is no error to report, I just refuse to believe such a large object with such a small collission box/boundary is anything but a bug.

Like for real, it's ridiculous. It's as large as a 13x15 building. you can build behind it, but it's a total trainwreck to do so. You're literally building blind. Atleast the Eden Dome has a far better collission boundary.

Please, Change it so it's either 3x3 sprite-wise, or change the box to be the size of the actual sprite.

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