Darkstar Utilities

Propel yourself all the way from mining stone with your hands to ripping holes in reality. Darkstar Aims to extend the playtime of the game to well over twice the standard. With extra features like Quarries and Ore Probes for mining in lands with no ores, or launching rockets to mine deep space materials. With roughly 664 currently added features!

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Compatibility issue with Alien Biomes

5 years ago


I stole a screenshot from another thread as mine is the same. (thread link https://mods.factorio.com/mod/alien-biomes/discussion/5c92110f0498f3000d31d7ed)

And as far as i can figure out Alien Biomes and Darkstar Utilities done like to play nice with each other. Advice or assistance would be repaid with cookies and love.


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