--edit bob's assembly oil-refinery.lua to read like below and it'll fix this issue
if not data.raw.technology["oil-processing-2"] then
type = "technology",
name = "oil-processing-2",
icon = "base/graphics/technology/oil-processing.png",
icon_size = 128,
prerequisites =
order = "d-a2",
upgrade = true,
unit =
count = 75,
time = 30,
ingredients =
{"science-pack-1", 1},
{"science-pack-2", 1},
{"science-pack-3", 1}
--[[ --commented out. we'll add the recipe unlock later
effects =
type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "oil-refinery-2"
--add effect: unlock recipe regardless of which mod is adding "oil-processing-2" technology
bobmods.lib.tech.add_recipe_unlock("oil-processing-2", "oil-refinery-2")