0.002 2018-04-13 08:19:46; Factorio 0.16.36 (build 36253, win64, alpha)
0.491 Loading mod Darkstar_utilities 0.16.8 (data.lua)
2.438 Failed to get buffer of size 120003600 to capture bitmap data
2.443 Error ParallelSpriteLoader.cpp:180: Parallel sprite loading Failed: Sprite "Darkstar_utilities/graphics/entity/laser-miner/neural-miner-2.png" is too large (max 2048 px in either direction is allowed)..
Falling back to normal sprite loading.
2.659 Failed to get buffer of size 120003600 to capture bitmap data
2.665 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1087: Sprite "Darkstar_utilities/graphics/entity/laser-miner/neural-miner-2.png" is too large (max 2048 px in either direction is allowed).: Darkstar_utilities/graphics/entity/laser-miner/neural-miner-2.png
2.677 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
2.677 Created atlas bitmap 192x5 [none]
2.677 Created atlas bitmap 132x24 [no-crop, trilinear-filtering, icon, light]
2.685 Sprites loaded
2.685 Convert atlas 132x24 to: trilinear-filtering
2.688 Custom inputs active: 13
2.689 Factorio initialised
2.689 Mods to disable:Fehler beim Laden der Mods: Sprite "Darkstar_utilities/graphics/entity/laser-miner/neural-miner-2.png" is too large (max 2048 px in either direction is allowed).: Darkstar_utilities/graphics/entity/laser-miner/neural-miner-2.png
How can I use the mod?
It's been dealt with. I had to set the graphics settings to high