Dark Matter Replicators Replicated

by Mylon

This mod adds replicators, machines which can produce items using nothing but electricity. Lower tiers of replicators are the most energy efficient and can essentially transform depleted, empty land into a resource. Higher tier replicators can simplify production lines or otherwise act as a convenience. Tier 1 replicators can replace depleted mining drills, allowing your expansion to be for growth rather than necessity.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g 0.18

4 years ago

0.18 has come out, please update this mod

4 years ago


3 years ago

Hello, came by to poke to see if you can help a friend of mine. We had an issue with loading the mod up.
But only on his computer with the same mod loadout that me and second friend already had working.
"[C]: in function 'error'
core/lualib/dataloader.lua:12: in function 'extend'
...r_Replicators_Replicated__/prototypes/repltypes-data.lua:39: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated/data.lua:13: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'requuire'
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated/data.lua:13: in main chunk
stack traceback:

This was the error and I have no idea what it means. Unsure if this would help but I'd be willing to send more stuff if you can point me to whats needed to diagnose this issue, Many thanks.

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