Dark Rage enemy

"add new enemy and build"

2 years ago

b Mod won't load

2 years ago

This mod won't load. Attempt to type out error message below:

Failed to load mods: Dark-Rage-enemy/prototypes/modificator/data.lua:23: attmept to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Dark-Rage-enemy/prototypes/modificator/data.lua:23: in function 'DDR'
Dark-Rage-enemy/prototypes/modificator/data.lua:39: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Dark-Rage-enemy/data.lua.10: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
Dark-Rage-enemy (0.1.0)

2 years ago

Vanilla version and the mod technically works fine, there may be a conflict with other mods - as there is a template for generating rare units, which can also improve units from other mods.

New response