Alters some recipes in MadClown01's Science to use cobalt steel plates instead of cobalt plates.
Version: 0.3.1 Date: 2022.03.30 Info: - An alternate production science recipe this mod changes now uses 20 iron sticks instead of 1 manganese plate due to manganese plates being disabled in Angel's Smelting.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2022.03.11 Info: - Updated dependencies to be more accurate. - Now compatible with Madclown01's Science version 1.1.1 - Setting to use osmium now explicitly tells you it requires Madclown01's Processing.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2021.08.13 Info: - Updated dependencies. Features: - Added setting to use osmium plates instead of cobalt steel plates in one of the alternate production science recipes.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2021.08.09 Info: - Initial release Locale: - English. License: - MIT.