it's a much bigger problem than may be obvious at first sight, i have no idea how to solve it, and also bobs has that problem:
there are two completely different things to copy, and most of the time i have to first copy+paste an inserter to another one, and then fix the second set of configuration options manually: one set of configuration options is from vanilla (the activation conditions, whether to read hand status, stacksize, filters, etc), and the second set is the modified pickup/drop points. most of the time, i want to copy only one set without messing up different settings in the other, or copy the other set without messing up different settings in the first.
it would be nice to have two different copy+paste options so that it is easy to copy and adjust the vanilla conditions without modifying (messing up) the pickup/drop locations, and/or to copy the pickup/drop locations without changing (messing up) the vanilla conditions. but how to do it ? shift left/right click for one set and ctrl (or ctrl-alt, etc) left/right click for the other ???
and this gets even more difficult when using other mods that copy between inserters, chests and/or assemblers, automatically adjusting limits to required throughput, etc ...