Cursed Upgradable Buildings

by L0771

* Blood handling * Upgradable buildings: - Mining drill - Assembling Machine - Furnace - Lab - Fisher - Turret - Wall - Energy Generator - Headquarter * New mecanics * Auto attack base * Auto attack base

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1


Version: 0.7.4
Date: 2020-12-5
    - Lab input
Version: 0.7.3
Date: 2020-12-2
    - Level max function
    - Change name of upgradable entities
Version: 0.7.2
Date: 2020-12-2
    - Changelog
    - Flesh recipe
Version: 0.7.1
Date: 2020-12-1
    - Factorio 1.1
    - Added Upgradable Headquarter: A level limiter, will consume blood every 30 seconds.
    - Added Upgradable Lab: Like a lab
    - Added Upgradable Furnace: Like a Furnace
    - Added Upgradable Assembling machine: Like a Assembling machine, Centrifuge, Chemical plant and Oil refinery
    - 250% limit of turrets
    - Blood from fisher is 75% less than before
    - Fishers now give 0.5% of blood bonus killing enemies
    - Gui rework
    - Fisher rework
    - Distributor rework
    - Removed walls generators, blood attraction and ammo dispatcher from walls
    - Removed Cursed trees
    - Removed Harvester
    - Generator produce 33% energy
    - Level, Max level, Exp and Next level exp can be read with virtual signals (L, M, E, N) (All except lab)
    - Hardmode & challenge mode removed for now
    - Optimized all Gui
    - Optimized all global vars
    - Optimized all code again
    - Generators with blueprint, icons and energy generation
    - Circuit connection with upgradables entities
    - Bugs I made before upload
Version: 0.6.12
Date: 2019-08-23
    - Wall damage tech
    - Mod start
Version: 0.6.11
Date: 2019-05-3
    - Blood connection alert optimized
    - Fixed a error with dispatcher
Version: 0.6.10
Date: 2019-05-3
    - Error with armor
    - on wall segment entity mined (Now should mine the last segment where you want)
    - Compatibility with factorio 0.17.35 (Old versions don't work)
    - Error with upgrades tooltip
    - Error showing wall generator
    - Compatibility with Squeak Through mod
    - Now fluid recipes costs /10 of blood
    - Now time for fluid to resource recipes is halfed
    - Removed exchanger, now use any assembling machine
    - Reduced wire distance of wall electricity, only max lvl have long wire
    - Changed the graphics of cursed wall
    - Added MAX button on upgrade GUI (Select all MAX)
    - Added Reset button on upgrade GUI (Select all "No changes")
Version: 0.6.9
Date: 2019-05-1
    - on wall base entity mined
    - Now assembling machine 1 have fluidbox, but don't modify vanilla recipes
    - Now all blood recipes work with assembling machine 1
    - Now harvester plant ghost seeds
Version: 0.6.8
Date: 2019-04-29
    - Turret hp
Version: 0.6.7
Date: 2019-04-29
    - on wall base entity destroyed
Version: 0.6.6
Date: 2019-04-29
    - on wall segment entity damaged
Version: 0.6.5
Date: 2019-04-20
    - Now only works with factorio 0.17.23
    - Maybe fix the lvl up error with fishers
    - Solved a possible error with lost index
    - Fixed wall mining overflow crash
    - Removed sound
Version: 0.6.4
Date: 2019-04-15
    - Fixed error with trees
    - Fixed error with walls
    - Now shift + click for upgrade must buy until next build / slot
    - Now control + click for upgrade must buy all tokens
Version: 0.6.3
Date: 2019-04-13
    - Now rocket launcher script only works with challenge mode
    - Now rocket launched without passengers message only show the first time
Version: 0.6.2
Date: 2019-04-12
    - Now can craft cursed entities!
    - Now wall block only need 1 flesh
    - Distributir range x2(64 now)
Version: 0.6.1
Date: 2019-04-12
    - Stats
    - Talents
    - Talents parts
    - Tier talents
    - Virtual inventory
    - Bow
    - Tool
    - Armor
    - Base
    - Possession (I like this, maybe i implement in a later version)
    - Personal blood tank should work with all armors now (And 50 of personal storage free with the character)
    - New gui
    - Wall remake
    - New wall upgrades: Armor - Spitter block - Mitigation - Light - Electric distribution - Energy generation - Thorns - Blood attraction - Ammo dispatcher
    - Spitter block upgrade only works with "Walls Block Spitters" from Earendel
    - Everything!