CrashsiteAbandonedRuins deprecated

by Gouitsu

1.0.6 Tesla Coils fire electricity!! Merged crashsite asset into the abandoned ruins mod. This mod now generates power generators along side the ruins. Created 2 new assets based on the crash site generator and reduced the power output. There are now 3 generators red, green and yellow. Red=150mW rare, Yellow=14MW less rare Green=2MW Common and can be moved.

2 years ago

i Code refactoring - extension instead of standalone?

2 years ago


currently the mod is a pack including the original Abandoned Ruins, but this has a few issues:

1) you don't automatically get the updates when the original mod gets updated (= less content and more maintaining effort for you)
2) the mod is not compatible with other ruins extensions (I think? haven't tried)

I'd then suggest to refactor the code to use the original ruins mod as dependency, and only add your new ruins as an extension, as done for example by this mod

Thanks! hopefully it's not that much of work...

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