Copy Paste Modules

by kajacx

Copy and paste modules together with machine settings. Fixed for 2.0 by brandon942, thanks <3

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i Copy-paste modules in radar mode?

3 years ago


I currently try to copy-paste modules (I need to massively copy-paste them to all my drillers) in the radar mode. But it looks like it doesn't work that way. I surely can paste a new driller (on an empty resource field) with modules and they will be installed, too. But this doesn't work with existing machines (tested so far with drillers) where modules already exist in them and I want to add/replace them with others.


3 years ago

Hi, I wanted to add this feature too, but right now I am working on something else. Try taking a look at "Module Inserter", that looks like it can insert modules from radar view, but I haven't used it yet.

I will try to find time to improve this mod sometime next year, sorry it will not be sooner.

3 years ago

I guess replacing modules remotely (by radar) isn't implemented in Factorio? It could actually work, if the construction bots first remove the existing (unwanted) modules and then add the right ones. I guess this "replacing modules" thing isn't much implemented?.

3 years ago

I think you can create a logistic request to remove the existing modules and another request to insert new ones. There is a Lua function for it that mods can use, but I don't think there is an interface for it in base game.

3 years ago

Okay. I currently manually "force-upgrade" them by destructing the ones with wrong modules and placing down drillers ("miners") with new modules. It is a lengthy thing but that's fine with me. So thank you for explaining a few things here. :-)

3 years ago

I tried the Module Inserter mod ( ) and it works from radar view, but setting the modules up is kind of "lengthy" process as well (like 10 or something clicks to create a new profile, select the building you want and then select the modules you want). The advantage is you can set completely new modules remotely, you don't have to copy from existing machine that already has those modules.

But I will be adding an option to create logistic request for modules when you paste over with a blueprint, because it should be really convenient that way (especially with "anonymous" CTRL+C blueprints).

3 years ago

Hey, thank you. :-)

3 years ago

Version 0.1.0 and it has copying modules when pasting over an entity with a blueprint! And you can do it from radar mode as well (I think I tested that anyways). But no support for "snapping" (relative or absolute position) blueprints yet, they will require additional calculation, so they will be in the next update. Please let me know if it works.

3 years ago

So far it working good! Thank you. I'm having here a mod "Extended Vanilla: Mining drills" which has electric mining drills up to MK6 and I'm currently updating from MK4 to MK5. I just wonder if also they are being upgraded, including the modules?

3 years ago

Unfortunately no. In vanilla, you cannot place a blueprint over an entity to upgrade or rotate it. I tried it with upgrading assembly machine 2 to 3 and rotation an electric drill. Both of these don't work in vanilla with blueprints: you cannot place a blueprint with a differently rotated electric miner to rotate the existing one for example.

You can, however, place an electric drill over an existing one to rotate it "manually" (from hand - not from blueprint). Same with upgrading an assembler. But I'm not going to add this behavior to blueprints because I feel like it is out of scope for this mod.

If there is another mod that does that, I will make this mod compatible by inserting modules in that case. And if there isn't, maybe I will create one :)

Also, fun fact: you can rotate assemblers that have fluid input with blueprints. It is kind of weird, I will take a closer look at it sometime.

3 years ago

Thank you for your efforts. It isn't a big issue for me. :-)

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