Copy Assembler Pipe Direction

Pasting a recipe to an assembler copies the source assembler's direction.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g I'd like to add your mod but you don't have a license

3 years ago

I wanted to add your mod into but your mod doesn't have a license actually.

3 years ago

Thanks for your interest.

The functional contents of this mod are trivial and not worth license considerations.

While overly centralized control is a nightmare, we need to go back to the days where copyright was applied to works upon request/registration (with modern systems for doing so) rather than as an automatic restriction with de facto selective enforcement.

I have chosen a new(?), more appropriate option from the selection on this site.

3 years ago

Um... If I understood you right, that licenses must work with policy of such system in the case?

I added your mod into

New response